Tuesday, January 31, 2023


 When you start a business, you put your work and earnings into it. However, tragedy can strike at any time. You never know whether in the form of a natural disaster or a human accident. Yes, it’s impossible to cover your loss completely. However, business insurance lessens it to a large extent. Small business insurance like commercial general liability insurance or insurance for small assets like motorcycle insurance save you from large losses.

Covers Property Damage 

Property damage is very normal for large businesses. It happens for several reasons. Natural disasters such as storms or floods are a big reason. However, there are other reasons, such as short circuits, fire or thefts. 

Repairing these expenses requires large amounts of money, which add up to your expenses. However, with liability insurance in Ontario, this is not the case. Liability insurance provides you with a claim for your natural or human damages. This saves you the costs of paying from your own pockets. 

Gives A Good Impression Of Your Business In The Consumer’s Eyes 

Having an insurance broker near me by your side adds an element of security to your business. People like working with companies that are insured because insurance means safety. This means people working with them have the guarantee of property, life and investment. This means security and a guarantee of repayment if the business faces any issues. Hence, insurance is good marketing for your business. 

Helps Deal With Lawsuits

Lawsuits are a harsh reality these days; the legal system allows people to sue businesses for the smallest issues possible. For example, A tattoo artist sued a video game company for using its tattoo design for a wrestler’s graphics. The Artist stated that the company didn’t ask permission to use her tattoos for the video game. She filed a lawsuit and got 3000 dollars as a settlement. Although this is a small case, there are bigger situations as well. Customers sue businesses for products which have advertising mistakes which mislead customers. 

Sometimes, other businesses can sue you for copyrights as well. For example, your business uses a name registered by some other business. If they claim, you end up paying the settlement cost. 

This Blog was originally published on https://insurance.mbeforyou.com/

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